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The obstacles that I faced were procrastination and communication. To solve these obstacles I quickly communicated with a community partner and started. I used email and texts to communicate with my community partners.

Actionable Solution

Communicate and Collaborate

The most effective way to engage and educate a diverse audience would be to either educate a group by either teaching them yourself in person or by communicating with them through the internet. People of our generation are so into technology so by putting this information on the internet it is available for everyone and they can be informed. 

I collaborated with an OISC member, Chris Frohlich to implicate my project and educate others about the harms of the little fire ants.


If this situation continues Hawaii will be changed forever. The population of little fire ants will just increase if nothing is done to stop it. 

I envision the eradication of little fire ants. In order for this to happen people have to be informed of the dangers of the LFA and how these ants will affect how we live in Hawaii if we do not stop this invasive species.

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